Want peace of mind? Look for this sign!
An unregistered bookkeeper can cost you far more than you save. Visit the Tax Practitioners’ Board for more information.
A Registered BAS Agent is the most trusted professional bookkeeper approved by the ATO
As of March 1st 2010 the ATO regulated the bookkeeping industry. As a result, all bookkeepers providing a BAS Service must register.
What does that mean for you?
In the past, a bookkeeper could do a MYOB or Quicken course and start charging for their services. Due to their lack of experience, they often left a mess. As a result, the client could do nothing except find someone else to fix it.
This can be expensive and emotionally draining, but can be avoided by engaging a Registered BAS Agent.
Are you worried?
If you are concerned about the condition of your data file or not sure if you’re up-to-date with the ATO, we can help.
During our initial business health check we can let you know exactly where you stand.
Minimum requirements
To register with the Tax Practitioners Board, a bookkeeper must pass the following requirements first. Those requirements include;
Professional membership
Professional development
Professional code of conduct
We are under a Code of Conduct. Breaches can mean up to $137,500 in fines and penalties. Or even loss of registration. The code covers five areas;
Honesty and integrity
ICB Global
All Things Balanced receives the support and qualifications they need to correctly apply correct bookkeeping principles and ethics.
This ensures that we will work to a higher level of integrity than a bookkeeper who is unsupported or unqualified.
What our memberships mean for you as a business owner
But we only show them here so that you know that you’re in safe hands.
All Things Balanced receives regular training and up-to-date information, that has been developed by experts in the industry.
You can rest easy knowing the laws are applied correctly and that you are not putting your business at risk you would be under with an un-registered bookkeeper.